Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9, 2011

Block 1
We took our test over the states and geological features/landforms today. We continued our unit on plot and story development by reading a short story in our lit books and graphing the plot development. Additionaly, we continued with our blitz through history, working our way through the middle ages.

Block 2
We discussed plot and conflict in literature; we wrote short stories demonstratin conflic, climax and resolution; very creative! We also discussed internal and external conflict.

Block 3
We took our test over the states and landforms; shared our short stories and discussed plot and conflict. We analyzed each other's writings to determine where the conflict occured, how it was resolved and whether it was internal or external in nature.

For Social Studies, we learned about taking Cornell Notes; practiced with information on the Vikings and began our survey of the Middle Ages.