Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Social Studies Classes - Try these log in codes for your on line text book! They should work! Let me know tomorrow!
Go to the website;
User name hendersonl1
Password b4p3m

Block I -
We read and analyzed an article from "Upfront" magazine discussing our personal liberties. We then continued our history blitz, finishing Chapter 1. Homework for tonight is to answer the following questions on page 28; Understanding Main Ideas - answer the questions for Sections 2, 3 and 4. Thinking Critically - Answer only questions #3. These will be due tomorrow.

Block 2
We read a non-fiction article (from Upfront magazine) and analyzed it with a partner for both factual and implied information. We discussed our findings in class.

Block 3
We read and analyzed articles from "Upfront" magazine discussing our personal liberties. We then continued our history blitz, finishing Chapter 1 and reviewing history up to the 1400's, or the end of Chapter 1. Homework for tonight is to answer the following questions on page 28; Understanding Main Ideas - answer the questions for Sections 2, 3 and 4. Thinking Critically - Answer only questions #3. These will be due tomorrow. Please answer these on a separate sheet of paper from your Cornell Notes.