Sunday, October 17, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

The blog is back! There was a disruption in the log ins due to a computer problem, but all is fixed and the blog is back in business!

This week, (October 18-22) is busy! We will be completing rough drafts of our memoirs by Wednesday, October 20th - there will be peer editing in class on Wednesday, so everyone in all classes should have a completed, printed rough draft at the beginning of class. We will have Writing Lab for one class period (all LA classes) on Tuesday, October 19, so plan on that time! Thursday, October 21, will be our final Writing Lab for our memoirs - the final drafts are due on Tuesday, October 26 - If you are not able to complete your memoir during the Writing Lab, make sure to bring a flash drive so you can complete it at home. We will have a reading/sharing time in class on that day - let's plan to bring treats and make it a celebration! You will be reading and commenting on each other's memoirs at that time.
For my Social Studies classes - we will complete Chapter 5 this week - test review sheets will be available in class on Thursday, and the Chapter 4-5 Test will be given on Friday, October 22. It will be an open note test.

Finally, you will all receive information on the JA field trip this week. $15 is needed for each of you to help with the expenses - see me if this is a problem for you. The bookkeeper has asked that these payments are made to her Wednesday through Friday of this week. Please make checks payable to PLMS. Parents - we need volunteers! If you can help, please check the box that indicates that you can volunteer and I will send you the appropriate paperwork! Thanks!