Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Block I
We went over the 6 vocab words for the quiz tomorrow - you will be writing complex sentences and identifying parts of speech for each word. Be prepared!We finished Chapter 9 and half of Chapter 10 in the Outsiders.
For Social Studies - the due date for the Constitution Flipbooks/PPTs was changed to Monday, January 10. There will be work time in class for this on Thursday and Friday.

Period 3
We went over the 6 vocab words for the quiz tomorrow - you will be writing complex sentences and identifying parts of speech for each word. Be prepared! We finished Chapter 9 and half of Chapter 10 in the Outsiders.

Block 2
Remember the vocab quiz for tomorrow - 6 words - six sentencs and POS (part of speech) for each. Constitution flipbooks/PPTs due on Monday...this is a change from the original Friday due date! We will finish Outsiders tomorrow!